Michael- 6 weeks today
We still can't figure out how to get that hair to lay down.

5 weeks- Pooped out from all that eating and sleeping.
(sorry for the blurry pic)
This has been a week of ups and downs. The downers have been concerning my health. I have had a hard time getting back to normal this time around. The doctor put me on blood pressure medication Monday for a month to get my blood pressure back to normal. It has been consistently in the high 130s and 140s for about a month. Monday it was 156. I have had to go to the doctor every week which is never fun. The kids had to miss Monday Fun because my appointment took so long. This really bothered me, but I had no control over it. The really hard part is the lack of control. I like to be in control of situations but when it comes to health sometimes there is nothing you can do different. That's hard. I know what I am going through is very minor compared to a lot of people. Anyway, I am getting better and go back to the doctor next Wednesday.
Monday is the last day of Monday Fun for the kids. We don't stay every week for lunch but are planning on it this week since it's the last time until fall. Hopefully, we will be able to get together with some other families for play dates so the kids can make some new friends. We are going to a play tomorrow night...Treasure Island. Tera and Daniel are really looking forward to it.
Michael is doing great, he gained 2 lbs. when he went for his 1 month check-up. Last night, he woke up once after 4 hours and then slept for another 5 hours. JP gets up for the first feeding every night, so I was able to sleep for almost 9 hours. I wish I could say I feel like a new woman, but maybe after a week of 9 hour nights I'll be able to say that.
JP is working today which is great since he hasn't worked a Friday since the end of January. We are hoping this means we are close to an end of 4 day weeks. 3 day weekends are nice and we will miss them very much but full paychecks are even nicer. And yes we have missed those very much too. God has provided all our needs. This has been the first time we have had a baby without having multiple showers, but both sides of our families have stepped in over and beyond what we could have expected. They all have helped us so much and we cannot stop feeling blessed for having such wonderful families. We thank them all so much more than words could express.