We are very into our Christmas traditions. We do a lot of things with Advent and leading up to Christmas but Christmas Day has it's own set of traditions. We start on Christmas Eve throwing out our "reindeer food" (oatmeal mixed with glitter). We started this when Tera was a toddler and every year they ask to throw out their "reindeer food".

On Christmas morning, the kids cannot come down until we let them. So we make sure everything is ready for the presentation. They get to look but not open.

We find Baby Jesus has been placed in the manger and the Advent candles including the Christ candle has been lit. We sit down together and eat breakfast, then read the Christmas story from Luke 2. This year I made my Sweet Cream Braid bread for breakfast but usually we have Pillsbury Cinnamon rolls.

Then we open presents one at a time while we snack on whatever goodies we all decide on. This year we decided not to have lunch, but to make our big meal at dinnertime. I think we'll keep that tradition.
This year, Tera and Daniel made or bought presents for all of us. They were very thoughtful in their gifts. Really picking out things that they felt the other person would like. I love their faces in the pictures. The expectant joy of giving someone a gift from the heart.

Present opening is always fun! Our families really outdid themselves this year. Our kids loved all their presents, especially the books!

Our kids are allowed to ask for one present from Santa and they know they'll most likely get what they ask for. I'm always surprised the Santa request is always a very reasonably small gift. Tera asked for an artist pallette and watercolor tubes. Daniel wanted a Irish penny whistle set and Michael of course a puppy. Santa was more than happy to comply with those requests.

After all presents are opened and we take a little break to eat or whatever, we always open stockings last. Daniel even made Pepper a stocking stuffer this year. I got a mini megaphone for calling the kids. My favorite gift, I may add.

As you can tell by these big smiles, we had a great Christmas. Tera said, " I know I say this every year, but this was the best Christmas, ever!" She does say it every year, but she is always right.