3 Little Known Facts About Me:
1. I was a pastor's wife for 5 years. My husband pastored two churches in Illinois. We moved to Tennessee in 2007 with visions of starting a non-traditional type "church". We now have a small simple church that meets in our home.
2. When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a candy-striper really bad. I thought that would be the coolest thing. For various reasons, I never became a candy-striper....then! While my husband pastored in Illinois, I was looking for a way to get out into the community and out of the house with a toddler and a baby. A friend suggested I volunteer with the local hospital auxiliary. When I got there for my first day, they could not find a standard red jacket for me to wear. They held up a candy-striper vest and asked if I minded! Of course, I didn't mind. My dream of becoming a candy-striper came true. I wore my vest with pride as I delivered mail, filled up water cups and help spread cheer all over the place. My last day I had to restrain myself from asking could I keep the vest. (I might just have to go bid for this one on ebay and wear it every time my children get sick...just kidding!)
3. In college, I won 2nd place in an aria contest while having full on strep throat. My professor who had performed in the past with the flu and while running a 103 degree fever assured me I could do it. Her pep talk in my mind was saying...don't be such a wimp. I wasn't so sure I could do it, but I did! I hit every note! Just goes to show what you can do with a little encouragement and when you put your mind to it.
Each Thursday, join in the fun with Three Things Thursday. Share 3
random facts about you on your blog, then go to Heidi's Head and link up.