Photo Credit: Tina
From 5K to 5K---
Last Saturday, we ran/walked in the rain with some friends for our 2nd 5K. We hadn't planned on doing any more, but JP needed a healthy event logged for work. So, we signed up to do the Glow Trot--an after dark 5K. Michael and I had planned to only do a 1 mile fun run, but ended up walking the 5K with JP. I logged over 14000 steps yesterday and then couldn't sleep last night. You would think I would have had no trouble.

Tera placed 2nd in the female age division 13-18. This is her second medal in the past month.
This is a horrible picture, but Daniel gave the thought of the day at the 4H meeting. I was so proud of how well he picked a quote and wrote out a very thoughtful response to deliver. He received so many compliments on his presentation, as well as the content. Of course, it revolved around The Lord of the Rings.
We will be working on speeches for the local 4H speech contest that I'm requiring my kids to enter. Public speaking is a skill that you use for an entire lifetime. I remember placing in our school's speech contest in 6th grade with a speech entitled The Famine in Africa. I went on to deliver my speech at the county contest. I didn't place, but I still remember it after all these years.
On Wednesday, I went out for a rare girls' night out with one of my good friends to celebrate her birthday. We had a nice relaxing dinner out and then went bowling. She beat me bad! It was a much needed evening! I'm blessed to have such wonderful friends!

A beautiful basket of apples from our neighbors...
Fall seems to be a busy time, but we are just trying to take one day at a time. Trying to clean up, declutter and get on top of outside obligations while keeping up with school work. It's a struggle sometimes, but it's our life. A life with these four awesome people and I wouldn't have it any other way.