We are blessed to be in the line of totality for the solar eclipse. Our family had planned on attending a local event, but decided to view the eclipse from home instead. I didn't feel well most of the afternoon, so it turned out to be a wise decision for us to celebrate at home. Plus no crowds to fight and a cool place to go in and out during the 1.5 hours from partial to totality.
JP ran out to the store to stock up on snacks for our eclipse party:

Since JP was home today, he worked on making pinhole viewers with the boys.
And creating the perfect safe viewing option for a younger child.
Meet Ecli-boy or E-man!
View from the inside of the pinhole viewer. Our glasses gave a much better view of the eclipse than our pinhole viewer.
The crescent shape effect through the leaves on the trees was so amazing to see. We were also happy that we got to see shadow bands or shadow snakes in the 20-30 seconds before totality. Daniel was the first to spot them. There is really no way to describe how awesome seeing a total solar eclipse in real life can be. Pictures and videos do not in any way do it justice!
It was truly totality awesome!!!