We've completed our first 9 weeks of school already. So, we took the week off from regular schoolwork. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately--depends upon how you look at) all our regular activities were still on the schedule. JP took the week off from work to catch up on some projects around here and to help me finish up my "clean sweep".
I cannot tell you how happy I am about finishing the 80 de-cluttering projects I wrote about in this post: Clean Sweep. My friends on Facebook are probably sick and tired of me talking and posting about it. This clean-up project was a redemption project of sorts. Fall is the roughest time of the year for me. Sandwiched between my two oldest children's birthdays are the death anniversaries of my father and my brother--roughly a month's time. Usually I'm just making it through my regular routine, feeling sad a lot, sitting on social media and just not feeling myself. This project helped me to redeem the time and gave me such a focus. I get like a high of sorts from de-cluttering and getting rid of things. So, it was such a perfect time for me to do that. I love opening cabinets and rooms and not feeling ashamed or overwhelmed at their state and my lack of motivation to do anything about it.
Part of the bathroom storage redo
In addition to the de-cluttering, we are eating a bit differently right now. Per JP's doctor's orders, we have started eating a Mediterranean style diet. It's not as hard as we thought it would be. He still gets two cheat meals a week--our date night and pizza night with the kids. I've also been working out at least 5 times a week.
My Scripture reading and writing is fairly consistent right now and I'm working on getting a regular focused prayer time worked back into my life. I spent birthday money on a nice comfy chair and foot stool to give me a place in our bedroom to do that. Very excited about that purchase.
I think the combination of the focused de-cluttering, diet, exercise and devotions have kept me on an even keel this year. I've also found a peace since the parole hearing and its results. I'm certainly not saying any of this to brag, because I still have low times and bad days. But simple lifestyle changes have really helped me this year and I hope that encourages others, too!
JP and the kids went kayaking yesterday! The highlight of their week!

Our weekly date night is the highlight of my week---every week! I'm so glad we decided to make it a priority to go out together and have that time to reconnect in the midst of our sometimes hectic lives.
I'm still hoping the weather will be enjoyable enough to have a fire in the fire pit for roasting s'mores this weekend. Then, it's back to schoolwork next week. But that's perfectly fine with me.