It's been one of those days--filled with smiles and laughter.
Sometimes life can just get you down, but today has been a joy-filled day. A day where I've not forgotten to count my blessings!
Michael singing along with the Greatest American Hero theme song while doing his handwriting. Counting money, paper weaving and caramel popcorn while watching the cartoon, Hobbit.

Daniel's new glasses coming in.
Tera and Daniel's Powerpoint projects they turned in today exceeded my expectations. Their short stories this week were awesome, as well.
Today, I sat outside in the cool breeze with the bright sun beaming down
on me. I chased its warmth as I read my Bible study chapters and part
of my daily Bible reading. Michael played outside in the yard and the
dog laid at my feet with little expectation for me to join them in their
pursuits. We each sought a solitary space in the midst of being
together. It was divine!
Chats with friends on facebook and in person.
Friends coming over for a post-Halloween costume party complete with pizza, caramel popcorn and Arsenic and Old Lace. We had Sherlock and Watson, a couple of Pokemon characters and a gym rat/mouse.

I sit here tired, happy and full of thanksgiving for all the gifts and blessings this day has held for us.