I've been so overwhelmed the last few weeks that it has been hard to sit down and blog anything. Brain fog would be a good descriptive word to insert here. But I'm on my way back to normal, so here are a few glimpses into some of our things the last couple of weeks. Forgive the lack of Tera and Daniel pictures--they are doing their own thing more and I can't really follow them around at work, school or extra-curricular activities snapping pictures. Well, I could but...I won't!

Daddy and Michael drawing time...
Michael ran for a 4-H office at the last 4-H meeting. He had to give a short speech for the office he was running for. They also played a government Jeopardy game. He got a bit competitive and we had a nice talk about good sportsmanship when we got in the car. His team lost by just a few points, so it made that teachable moment even more vivid!
Dang, it has been hot! We've been walking around the college track while Tera and Daniel are in class some days.

Oak Ridge Symphony concert for Tera's music appreciation class...

The night last week where we had three things back-to-back--karate, college meeting and band practice. Dinner was picked up at various fast food places at three different times. We brought things so Michael could chill out while we waited. We didn't pick JP up from work until after 9:30 PM after dropping him and Tera off at 5:15 AM. That was a beast of a day for all of us!
Mary Poppins...