Tera went with a friend to go paint pottery. After the sticker shock, we settled for a small inexpensive tile that she decorated for her Daddy. (shhh...it's a Father's Day surprise)

For our craft times, I really wasn't prepared so I've been winging it. Tip: Don't pick two drawing projects back to back. We did drawing a dog earlier this week and then I pick how to draw a peacock. Tera's turned out fairly well, but it was too much for Daniel--he didn't finish and I didn't make him. The best part was the kids learned how to sew on a button---so well, in fact that their shirt would probably be ripped in half if it were torn off. One day they entertained themselves making paper boxes and stars.

For our craft times, I really wasn't prepared so I've been winging it. Tip: Don't pick two drawing projects back to back. We did drawing a dog earlier this week and then I pick how to draw a peacock. Tera's turned out fairly well, but it was too much for Daniel--he didn't finish and I didn't make him. The best part was the kids learned how to sew on a button---so well, in fact that their shirt would probably be ripped in half if it were torn off. One day they entertained themselves making paper boxes and stars.

Thursday was theme night---I was winging it again so I came up with "C" night. It was simple-chocolate cake in a mug and Clue Jr. Sometimes we try too hard, when the simple things are what kids enjoy most.
Today, JP took Daniel to the Grand Opening for a new business that specializes in bows and arrows. Daniel has had a fascination with these since probably toddlerhood. He makes his own bows but we have held off buying him one, because we wanted to make sure he was mature enough for that responsibility. And...we don't have a yard that would be safe to shoot around. But...this new shop has a target range set up in back for $5 a day or $40 a year per person. So...now this may become an actuality for him. I'm so glad! They let him try out a bow today and JP said he did really well. There were demonstrations and food. Daniel (Jamocha Jack) had a Mountain Dew, JP told him not to tell me (tongue in cheek) so when I asked Daniel if he had something to eat he acted all coy. It was really cute. Especially, since he only had a few sips before JP said he started feeling sick.