That phrase strikes terror into some people's hearts! But I love Christmas and the Advent season leading up to December 25th. It is the "most wonderful time of the year!" We had a very relaxing Thanksgiving weekend. JP didn't get up until lunch time so we leisurely made a very simple meal for dinner. Au gratin chicken, hasselback potatoes, green beans, grapes and rolls. We had a store bought mince meat pie and pumpkin tarts for dessert. It doesn't sound so simple when you list it out, but compared to a big turkey was a breeze. JP got some things done around the house, which are always on his big to-do list. Our upstairs now has 4 new shatter proof light fixtures. If you know our boy, you'll understand why this is so important.
We watched a few movies...(Ernest is a big family tradition around here!) We also watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, which was a big hit!
We read tons of books...(I'm on a biography kick right now)

Today was our last swim lesson. Michael's teacher brought him a big bag of M & M's...he made a friend for life. We lost Tera's swimsuit. Glad it was a bit snug.
So thankful Tera decided to change her science fair project to something she's more interested in! She was on the verge of tears because she couldn't figure out and verbalize the basic principles of the project she wanted to do. We suggested she pick something she knew more about and go deeper. Now, I have a very happy child bouncing around and planning out what sounds like a terrific project!
It's beginning to look a lot like...days I'm really going to enjoy!