I've been there....in the public school world, that is. You know what I'm talking about! Teachers approach the Monday after the Thanksgiving holidays with great fear. They know that it's going to be a long, uphill climb through those three weeks leading up to Christmas break. Programs, practices, parties....trying to teach children distracted beyond belief.
Now, I'm here....home schooling three students of my own. You know what I'm talking about! I approach the Monday after the Thanksgiving holidays with great fear. I know it's going to be a long uphill climb through these three weeks leading up to Christmas break. This and that....trying to teach children distracted beyond belief.
Whew, the cat is out of the bag!
The longer I home school the more I realize the need for a different approach to school during that span between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We put away the "official" textbooks and use the season to learn. It's a transition that's for sure, more for some than others, but we get into our Christmas groove pretty soon.
Here are some of our highlights from the week:
- music lessons and daily practices
- read-alouds The Birds' Christmas, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, Christmas, A Story
- art class
- Grace Notes Concert
- library trip
- documentaries- Christmas in Yellowstone, Morristown Encampment, The Tennessee State Capitol
- games
- math practice with divisibility rules
- computer games on commas and government
- art projects- I even got in on the fun....
- Jesse Tree
- various projects the kids are working on their own--art contest brainstorming and their Christmas Around the World play for the Family Spectacular.
Next week, we have another full, relaxed schedule with field trips, chess tournaments, and more Christmas fun. I've learned not to fight the season, but to embrace it as a unique learning experience for all of us. Things don't always go according to plan, but that's a learning experience all it's own.
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