Fun Fridays are already the highlight of Michael's school year. This morning the boys shared their book reports. Michael did a book report in a box: 8 items that represent things from the book and descriptions.
Our Bible lessons this month are on contentedness. So, we read about Jesus feeding the 4000 in the book of Matthew.
The boys made their first cake--a Victorian sponge cake (Tera made our cream ahead of time and we used store bought jam). My friend set up it so nicely that each of our kids had their own bowls and each made one layer. She is the stalwart of calm and patience! Since we planned on having a Victorian tea later, the boys also helped to make cucumber sandwiches.
While the cakes were cooking and cooling, we talked about what it would have been like to go to school during the Victorian era in England. Both boys picked out new Victorian era names for themselves.
Meet Meriweather and Frank....
Union Jack flags to color and Thaumatropes...

Our homework in anticipation of Victorian school day was to prepare a performance piece. "Meriweather" selected the Shel Silverstein poem, "One Inch Tall" and "Frank" performed an original drum selection! These boys are so talented that neither ended up in the corner wearing the dunce's hat.

Tea time! The cake turned out BEAUTIFUL and DELICIOUS!!! Such a lovely experience! Now, I need to go find a cute little porcelain teapot and fancy tea cups and saucers for our own home!