An impromptu attendance to a neighborhood church Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday afternoon.
We came home and our neighbors came over to play in our new sandbox and ended with a water fight using Michael's water table.
Dying eggs
We ended Saturday by watching this video--
The Story of Jesus for Children. We watch this every Easter- it weaves the Jesus film with a story of Jewish children seeking who Jesus is. It goes through a sinner's prayer at the end. It does show the crucifixion but in preview to decide if your kids can handle that.
Our Easter garden with the empty tomb:
He is Risen!
He is Risen, Indeed!
Indoor Easter egg was too wet outside. I don't think they minded at all.
Pepper right where she likes to be on holidays---in the middle of all the chaos.

I have no clue what I'm laughing at...but since I rarely post pictures of ya go!
Beware if you come to our house...the Easter Bunny brought Daniel a whoopie cushion.
After eggs and baskets, we got ready for lunch and our church service. It was a great time reading through the Easter story and singing songs of praise and worship about what Jesus did for us. That evening, we were invited to have dinner with our friends. We heard the story of the Resurrection and had a wonderfully delicious meal complete with china and crystal. Thankfully, none of my kids broke anything. Even though, Daniel was quite confused at what cutlery and glasses where his. Luckily, his sister was right beside him to guide him. I see some etiquette lessons in our near future. We played outside after dinner and came home with 3 very tired children. Yesterday, we got back into the groove pretty good but not so much today. So, I'll end here with this: He is Risen...not just on Resurrection Sunday, but everyday!