Our School Room- Sorta
Our dining room serves as our official "school room" but that is not the only place we do school. We have always been a family that does school where it suits us in the moment-
That may be the dining room...

the kitchen...
the living room...

Upstairs in the common area or in bedrooms...

Sometimes we're outside, in the laundry room, on fieldtrips, at friends' houses, we have bookcases in every room and our school supplies are upstairs, downstairs, and in the hallway.

In the past, I wished for and yes, probably even coveted nice, organized, school rooms. But I've learned that how we are is okay and works great for us. (I still like looking at other people's school rooms, I just don't covet them anymore...well not as much anyway)
To check out other school rooms, head over to Heart of the Matter :