My kids wanted a friend party this year for their birthdays. Since their birthdays are only a month apart, we did a combined party with a Chronicles of Narnia theme. I searched all over the internet for ideas---most included a lot of bought things and seemed way over the top. So I decided to take the ideas I liked and make a party that is alot more economical for those of us on a tighter budget. By the way, my kids and their friends had a blast.
Games: When the kids arrived we made poster board shields (Peter's gift) with various art supplies. I cut a basic shield design, the kids decorated and then we attached a circle loop on the back for a handle. I made necklaces (Lucy's nectar) from empty watercolor containers I found at Hobby Lobby for 88 cents. I filled with water, red food color and glitter. I tried to put the kid's initials on the top in glitter but they fell off. So we went with the plain. I threaded curling ribbon through each container, super glued it closed and cut apart. 
We gave out party horns (Susan's gift) for them to use during this game of target practice. 2 hula hoops hung from a frame with pool noodle arrows.
I froze a coolerful of ice in the weeks before using a variety of containers and ice from our ice machine. I provided gloves for each kid and water for them to make ice sculptures. Two things to think about: if you use food color, it will stain hands and the ice stuck to the kids' gloves at times.
I froze play animals (one for each child) to "release" from the White Witch's spell (found at Walmart for around a dollar). You could use knights or soldiers but I did not find any of those sets in our local stores.
I had a few extras just in case of rain---Pin the Tail on Reepacheep from a graphic found online. I transformed our Toss Across game into a Spring/Winter game. Then filled 6 balloons with 3 tbsps. rice each for bean bags. 
Food Table- Salty snacks and ice cream sundae toppings. I used white chocolate chips and marshmallows in keeping with the ice theme in addition to some other kid friendly toppings. I used our Chronicle of Narnia books and my son's Peter shield and sword. A very talented friend made our cake, which our kids just loved.

For the tables I printed out (my kids colored) the Pevensie children paper dolls and attached to heavier paper then to a stand made from a dowel rod and wood piece. I covered the tables with white plastic cloths from the Dollar Tree. Then we used picture books we had just picked up here and there telling the Narnia story. Some from the library book sale, thrift stores, and Chickfila. Narnia Paper Dolls Coloring sheets

For other decorations---light blue and white streamers in the doorways for icicles and cut snowflakes hanging on fishing line taped to ceiling.

On the way out, each child received a bag of Turkish Delight (gummy bears dipped in powdered sugar). I put about 12 gummies in each bag.