Obviously, we did not travel to South Carolina this week, but I couldn't resist re-posting from our beach trip last year. I'll be fighting beach fever the rest of the weekend.
For more field trips, check out Field Trip Fridays here.
This place had all kinds of great displays of local shells and animals
There were interactive things for kids to touch, listen and see. Michael was really scared of this plastic crabs in one of the drawers.
All kinds of animal displays- alligator, loggerhead turtle eggs, flounder, horseshoe crabs...
I love this picture of a terrapin!
Can you find the flounder?
A big boat...
Very interesting conversation going on...
The resident racoon

This was a very cool interpretive center. It was free and had tons of hands-on activities for kids of all ages. We spent somewhere between an hour to an hour and a half here. The staff was very friendly and answered my kids questions very thoroughly. It was well worth the time to visit!