Truth in the Tinsel: Shepherds

Jesse Tree: Daniel
Daniel 6:10-23

Advent Calendar:
Symbol: Gold
Scripture: Psalm 19:9-10
Activity: EAT your gold coins!
I ran out this morning for the LAST time before Christmas! WOO HOO!!! Whatever I forgot, can stay forgotten or JP can go get it. Hopefully, we don't pick up any bad germs between now and then. We spent our afternoon working on various projects.
Something happened today that reminded me just how "rich" we are...
We have food on our table every meal, clean clothes, nice house, 2 cars that run, a good job for my husband so I can be a stay at home mom, beds for our children, heat, an education, running water, garbage service, and any other material thing I forgot.
But even more than that...we are rich in love, have an intact family, we like being with other, we have friends and good neighbors.
But even more than that....we are rich in God's grace, love and forgiveness, in His peace and goodness, in His comfort, we've been saved from an eternity spent apart from the One who loves us more than anything else. Even if we lost everything else, we could still say how "rich" we truly are!!!!