Letter of the week activities:
Letters A and B: "A told B"
Letter C: "B told C"
Letter D: "D" is for Daisy, Dragon, Dog, Duck...
Letter E: Eeeeee!
Letter F: "F" Week
Letter G: "G" week in review
Letter H: "H"- Hobbit week
Letter I: "I"
Letter J: "J"
Letter K: Kites, Keys, KSO
Letter L: "L"
Letter M: Ahoy...mateys! It's "M" week!
Letter N: Nope, no "N" week, not necessarily, "N" week
Letter O: "O"
Letter P: "P" activities
Letter Q: Mind your Ps and Qs, or just your Qs!
Letter R: Rockets, raccoons and rainbows
Letter S: "S" week
Letter T: "T"otally "T" week
Letters U and V: That Kind of Week
Letter W: Watermelon and wheel
Letters X, Y and Z: XYZ and all the rest!